
Great Scientists with Obama in 2008 election

61 Nobel Laureates in Science have endorsed Barack Obama for the president of United States. Presidential election is on November. These great scientists signed a letter addressing American people to vote for Obama.

Last month Obama answered 14 questions related to science policy of US and the answers were scientifically sound. I don't how this is gonna increase the number of voters in favor of Obama.

To read the original letter and name of Nobel Laureates click here.


Proud to be a part of ScienceDebate2008

You probably know there is hot discussion going on about science and technology policy in the upcoming presidential election. This is called ScienceDebate2008. It has created a forum for Nobel laureates, scientists, professors etc to put their view focusing on the election. This blog Science to Society is a member of blogger coalition of this debate. We are proud to be a part of it.


Science and technology to be promoted

Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, Sept 19 - To check the brain-drain of the indigenous scientists and technologists, Finance Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai in his budget speech said, programmes will be launched to encourage them to engage in innovative and outcome-oriented research works grounded on appropriate proposals.Moreover, a national lab will be set up under National Academy for Science and Technology (NAST) with a view to expediting the studies and researches in area of science and technology.The fifth National Science Conference to be participated by about 1200 scientists from within the country and abroad will be convened in Kathamandu. National Information Bank will be established with a view to protecting important public information from catastrophe and anthropogenic accidents. Rs. 230 millions is allocated for construction of building of this bank in the current fiscal year.
For increasing access of rural people to the modern information technology, Rs. 57.5 million has been allocated for additional 175 tele-centres in rural communities, schools and post offices.
Programmes for establishing one tele-centre in each Village Development Committee will be launched gradually, Minister Bhattarai said in his speech.
Arrangement will be made to forecast and disseminate the chances of catastrophic floods induced by heavy rain and ice lake explosion. A well-equipped Climate Change Research Centre will be established to carry out studies on the impacts of climate change in the development of water resources, hydroelectricity, agriculture and environment.


Interview with Ganesh Shah-Minister for Environment, Science and Technology, Government of Nepal

Newly appointed minister for Environment, Science and Technology in Maoist led government in Nepal speaks his view about science and technology. This is an interview in "Chhalphal weekly", a Nepali Newspaper. Edited version of the published interview is presented here.

हाम्रो मुलुकमा समावेशीका कुरा सबैभन्दा धेरै ठूलादलका नेताहरुले उठाउनुहुन्छ। तर व्यवहारमा सबैभन्दा कम लागू गर्नुहुन्छ। संयुक्त मार्क्सवादीका महासचिव समेत रहनुभएका विज्ञान प्रविधि तथा वातावरण मन्त्री गणेश साहले अन्तर्वार्ताका क्रममा भन्नुभयो– हामी हाम्रो पार्टीबाट हरेक निकायमा प्रतिनधित्व गराउँदा समावेशी गराउने गर्दछौं। नाई संघ खोलेर नाइहरुलाई संगठित गर्ने विषयमा होस् या राज्यबाट असाध्यै उपेक्षित पारिएका समलिंगीहरुलाई संगठित गरेर आफ्ना अधिकार खोज्ने साहस प्रदान गर्ने सन्दर्भमा होस् अर्थात् बहिरा लाटा र मजदुरहरुलाई नेतृत्व तहमा ल्याउने कायृमा होस्, मन्त्री शाहको योगदान कम महत्वपूर्ण छैन। मन्त्री बन्ने बित्तिकै आवास र आराममा लिप्त बन्ने अनि भेटघाटा पालो कुर्नुपर्ने मन्त्रीहरुको भन्दा आफूलाई पृथक पहिचानमा प्रस्तुत गर्ने मन्त्री शाह आफू जनताको मन्त्री भएको ठान्नुहुन्छ। आफू जनतासँग प्रत्यक्ष सम्पर्कमा जान सकियोस् भनेर आफ्नो फोन नं. समेत जनताका लागि सार्वजनिक गर्ने शाहको योजना पनि अनौठो छ आफ्नो मन्त्रालयमा विज्ञान प्रविधि सम्बन्धी कार्यक्रम दिनहुँ गरिरहने। जनतासँग प्रत्यक्ष कुराकानी र भेटघाट गरिरहँदा आफूलाई पूर्ण सन्तुष्टी मिल्ने बताउने वीनदास मन्त्री शाह जिम्मा पाएको विज्ञान प्रविधि तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालयमा नयाँ आयाम थप्ने सुरसारमा हुनहुन्छ। उहाँले भन्नुभयो– यो हेपिएको मन्त्रालयलाई मेरो कार्यकालमा सम्मानित बनाउँछु।

० मन्त्रीको जिम्मेवारीमा पुगेपछि पहिलो काम के गर्नुभयो?
– नेपाल द्वन्द्वबाट गुजि्रएको एउटा अल्प विकसित मुलुक हो। यहाँ विज्ञान र प्रविधी मन्त्रालयप्रति कुनैपनि मन्त्रीको आकर्षण छैन। अहिलेसम्म नेपालमा वातबरण, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालय सबैभन्दा बढि अपहेलित मन्त्रालय हो। त्यसकारण अब यसलाई सम्मानित मन्त्रालयको रूपमा विकास गर्नु आवस्यक छ।

० तपाईंको पार्टी नेकपा(संयुक्त)ले कुन मन्त्रालय मागेको थियो?
– हाम्रँे पार्टीले कुनैपनि मन्त्रालयलाई मागको रूपमा सौदावाजी गरेको थिएन। मन्त्रालय चलाउने एउटा काम मात्रै हो तर हामी त अहिले एउटा मिसन पुरा गर्न लागेका छौं।

० तपाईं त इन्जिनियरिङ क्ष्ँेत्रको एउटा जल विज्ञ र मजदूर क्ष्ँेत्रमा स्थापित हुनु भएको व्यक्तित्व हुनुहुन्थ्यो। बिषय विज्ञतासँग मन्त्रालयको समन्वय त्यति मिलेजस्तो देखिएन नि होइन?
– आफ्नो लागि आफैले केही भन्नु उपयुक्त हुँदैन तर मलाई आफू बहूक्षेत्रमा अनुभव भएको व्यक्तित्व जस्तो लाग्छ। मेरो आफ्नै पृष्ठभूमि इन्जिनियरिङबाट राजनीतिज्ञ, श्रम क्षेत्रबाट विज्ञान र प्रविधि भएकाले यी दुवै क्षेत्रसँग मेरो अन्योन्याश्रि्रत सम्वन्ध छ। श्रम क्षेत्रमा असंगठित रहेका मजदुरहरूलाई सायद मैले नै संगठित गरेको हुँ। २० बर्षे यात्रामा मैले धेरै उतारचढाव ब्योर्होदै अगाडि बढेको छु। कुनै जमानामा नाई संगठन बनाई त्यसलाई स्थापित गरेँ त्यसपछि तेश्र्रो लिंगीहरूको संगठन निर्माण गरेँ। त्यसक्रममा म वाम राजनीतिमा हाँसोको पात्र पनि बने।

० नेपाल विज्ञान तथा प्रविधिको क्षेत्रमा निक्कै पछाडि नै छ। कुनैपनि सरकारले यस क्षेत्रको विकासमा त्यति ध्यान दिएको पनि देखिदैंन। तपाईंले यो मन्त्रालयको जिम्मेवारी सम्हालिसकेपछि यस क्षेत्रको चुनौति र सम्भावना कस्तो देख्नुभएको छ?
– अवसर र चुनौति सँगसँगै जोडिएको हुन्छ। संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र भइसकेको हाम्रो जस्तो सानो मुलुकमा हामीले जुनसुकै क्षेत्रमा मेहनत गर्न सक्छौं। हामी अहिले हरेक क्षेत्रमा विज्ञान र नयाँ प्रविधिको कुरा गरिराखेका छौं। त्यसैले हरेक क्षेत्रलाई वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोणबाट हेर्ने र नयाँ प्रविधीको प्रयोग गर्ने हो भने पछाडि परेको हाम्रो मुलुकलाई छिट्टै अगाडि बढाउन सक्छौं। त्यसकारण मैले मन्त्री भएपछि तीनवटा नारा अगाडि सारेको छु।

० ती नारा के–के हुन् त?
– विज्ञान शान्तीका लागि उपयोग गर्नुपर्छ। 'विज्ञान शान्तीको लागि, प्रविधि जनताको लागि र स्वच्छ वातबरण संसारका लागि।' अहिले विश्वको हावापानीमा दिनानुदिन परिवर्तन हुँदा वातबरण हरास हुँदै गएको छ। अर्थात वातबरणको मुद्धा विश्वव्यापी भइसकेको छ। मैले मन्त्रालय सम्हालिसकेपछि नेपाली किसान र मजदुरहरूलाई प्राविधिक ज्ञानसँगै प्रविधिको पनि ज्ञान दिई यसमा अभ्यस्त बनाउने सोच बनाएको छु। कुनैपनि व्यक्तिसँग शीप छ भने मात्रै उसले राम्रो आयआर्जन गर्न सक्छ। त्यसैले विज्ञान, प्रविधि र वातबरण एकअर्काका परिपुरक हुन्।

० हाम्रो जस्तो मुलुकमा कस्ता–कस्ता प्रविधिहरूको आवस्यकता देख्नुहुन्छ?
– मैले खासगरी तीन–चारवटा प्रविधिको पहिचान गरेको छु। पहिलो, कृषि क्षेत्रमा अत्याधुनिक प्रविधिको प्रयोग, दोस्रँे हाम्रो मुलुकमा प्रचुर जलविद्युत शक्ति भएकाले हाइड्रो पावर प्रविधिको विकास अत्यावस्यक छ। तेस्रँे, प्रत्येक बालबालिकालाई वैज्ञानिक शिक्ष्ँा दिन आवस्यक छ। भविष्यका कर्णधारहरूलाई अहिल्यैदेखि विज्ञानसँग जोड्न सक्नुपर्छ। युवा– विद्यार्थीलाई विज्ञानमा केन्द्रीत गर्नुपर्छ र प्रविधिमा किसानलाई प्रँथमिकता दिनुपर्छ।

० मन्त्री हुने बित्तिक्कै लोकप्रियताका लागि पनि ती नाराहरू अगाडि सार्नुभयो होला तर सरकारले नै विज्ञान तथा प्रविधिको क्षेत्रमा नै थोरै लगानी गरिरहेको छ। अनि कसरी होला त यस क्षेत्रको विकास?
– नेपालमा अहिले धेरै वैज्ञानिकहरू कुण्ठित अवस्थामा बसिरहेका छन्। उनीहरूको क्षमताको उपयोग नै भएको छैन। त्यसकारण सरकारले वैज्ञानिकहरूलाई नैतिक रूपले वलियो बनाउनेछ। यसको अर्थ उनीहरूको सम्मान गर्ने, राज्यको मूल धारमा समाहित गर्ने काम राज्यले गर्नेछ। विज्ञान र वातबरण अहिले विश्वव्यापी जोडिने बिषय भइसकेको छन् त्यसकारण मन्त्रालयले नेपालमा यस क्षेत्रको विकासका लागि वैदेशिक लगानी समेत भित्र्याउन प्रयास गर्नेछ। उद्योगी र व्यापारीहरूले पनि यस क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्नुपर्छ। गैरआवसिय नेपालीहरूले पनि चासो देखाउनु पर्छ। सम्पूर्ण स्रँेतसाधन एकै ठाउँमा ल्याई विज्ञान र प्रविधिको विकासका लागि सरकारले पहल गर्नेछ।


Barack Obama on Research Policy

Q:For many years, Congress has recognized the importance of science and engineering research to realizing our national goals. Given that the next Congress will likely face spending constraints, what priority would you give to investment in basic research in upcoming budgets?

BO:Federally supported basic research, aimed at understanding many features of nature— from the size of the universe to subatomic particles, from the chemical reactions that support a living cell to interactions that sustain ecosystems—has been an essential feature of American life for over fifty years. While the outcomes of specific projects are never predictable, basic research has been a reliable source of new knowledge that has fueled important developments in fields ranging from telecommunications to medicine, yielding remarkable rates of economic return and ensuring American leadership in industry, military power, and higher education. I believe that continued investment in fundamental research is essential for ensuring healthier lives, better sources of energy, superior military capacity, and high-wage jobs for our nation’s future.

Yet, today, we are clearly under-investing in research across the spectrum of scientific and engineering disciplines. Federal support for the physical sciences and engineering has been declining as a fraction of GDP for decades, and, after a period of growth of the life sciences, the NIH budget has been steadily losing buying power for the past six years. As a result, our science agencies are often able to support no more than one in ten proposals that they receive, arresting the careers of our young scientists and blocking our ability to pursue many remarkable recent advances. Furthermore, in this environment, scientists are less likely to pursue the risky research that may lead to the most important breakthroughs. Finally, we are reducing support for science at a time when many other nations are increasing it, a situation that already threatens our leadership in many critical areas of science.

This situation is unacceptable. As president, I will increase funding for basic research in physical and life sciences, mathematics, and engineering at a rate that would double basic research budgets over the next decade.

Sustained and predictable increases in research funding will allow the United States to accomplish a great deal. First, we can expand the frontiers of human knowledge. Second, we can provide greater support for high-risk, high-return research and for young scientists at the beginning of their careers. Third, we can harness science and technology to address the “grand challenges” of the 21st century: energy, health, food and water, national security, information technology, and manufacturing capacity.


Barack Obama on Science policy - Energy

Energy is very important in 21st century. America along with other developed and underdeveloped countries are facing big energy crises. Many people believe that America led Iraq war was to capture oil wells of Iraq. Nepal is also facing problems due to petroleum products. This small and landlocked country doesn't have any source of petroleum products and has to rely on export. Nepal's politics sometimes goes around the price and scarcity of diesel and petrol.
Not just energy, more important is clean energy. Because of natural gas, oils and coals our planet is facing climate change and global warming. So, lets see how presidential hopeful Barack Obama address this problem.

Many policymakers and scientists say energy security and sustainability are major problems facing the United States this century. What policies would you support to meet demand for energy while ensuring an economically and environmentally sustainable future?

America's challenges in providing secure, affordable energy while addressing climate change mean that we must make much more efficient use of energy and begin to rely on new energy sources that eliminate or greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. My programs focus both on a greatly expanded program of federally funded energy research and development and on policies designed to speed the adoption of innovative energy technologies and stimulate private innovation.

First, I have proposed programs that, taken together, will increase federal investment in the clean energy research, development, and deployment by $150 billion over ten years. This research will cover:
• Basic research to develop alternative fuels and chemicals;

• Equipment and designs that can greatly reduce energy use in residential and commercial buildings – both new and existing;

• New vehicle technologies capable of significantly reducing our oil consumption;

• Advanced energy storage and transmission that would greatly help the economics of new electric-generating technologies and plug-in hybrids;

• Technologies for capturing and sequestering greenhouse gases produced by coal plants; and

• A new generation of nuclear electric technologies that address cost, safety, waste disposal, and proliferation risks.
I will also work closely with utilities to introduce a digital smart grid that can optimize the overall efficiency of the nation's electric utility system, by managing demand and making effective use of renewable energy and energy storage.

Second, it is essential that we create a strong, predictable market for energy innovations with concrete goals that speed introduction of innovative products and provide a strong incentive for private R&D investment in energy technologies. These concrete goals include:

• Increasing new building efficiency by 50 percent and existing building efficiency by 25 percent over the next decade, and taking other steps that will reduce the energy intensity of our economy 50 percent by 2030;

• Increasing fuel economy standards 4 percent per year and providing loan guarantees for domestic auto plants and parts manufacturers to build new fuel- efficient cars domestically;

• Extending the Production Tax Credit for five years and creating a federal Renewable Portfolio Standard that will require that 10 percent of American electricity be derived from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025; and

• Ensuring that regulations and incentives in all federal agencies support the national energy and environmental goals in ways that encourage innovation and ingenuity.
I will also encourage communities around the nation to design and build sustainable communities that cut energy use with walkable community designs and expanded investment in mass transit.


Barack Obama on Science policy-Climate Change

The Earth’s climate is changing and there is concern about the potentially adverse effects of these changes on life on the planet. What is your position on the following measures that have been proposed to address global climate change—a cap-and-trade system, a carbon tax, increased fuel-economy standards, or research? Are there other policies you would support?

There can no longer be any doubt that human activities are influencing the global climate and we must react quickly and effectively. First, the U.S. must get off the sidelines and take long-overdue action here at home to reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions. We must also take a leadership role in designing technologies that allow us to enjoy a growing, prosperous economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. With the right incentives, I'm convinced that American ingenuity can do this, and in the process make American businesses more productive, create jobs, and make America’s buildings and vehicles safer and more attractive. This is a global problem. U.S. leadership is essential but solutions will require contributions from all parts of the world—particularly the rest of the world’s major emitters: China, Europe, and India.

Specifically, I will implement a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary: 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. I will start reducing emissions immediately by establishing strong annual reduction targets with an intermediate goal of reducing emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. A cap- and-trade program draws on the power of the marketplace to reduce emissions in a cost- effective and flexible way. I will require all pollution credits to be auctioned.

I will restore U.S. leadership in strategies for combating climate change and work closely with the international community. We will re-engage with the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, the main international forum dedicated to addressing the climate change problem. In addition I will create a Global Energy Forum—based on the G8+5, which includes all G-8 members plus Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa—comprising the largest energy consuming nations from both the developed and developing world. This forum would focus exclusively on global energy and environmental issues. I will also create a Technology Transfer Program dedicated to exporting climate-friendly technologies, including green buildings, clean coal and advanced automobiles, to developing countries to help them combat climate change.


Barack Obama on Science policy-INNOVATION

Presidential election in the US is coming soon. Debates are going on. Last week democrat's convention formally nominated Barack as candidate for the P residence and this week Republic's convention will do same for John. They have their own opinion in various issues like economy, energy, education, health, national security. On this hot debate no one can ignore the policies about science and technology. Science and technology have been responsible for the half of the growth of American economy. Realizing the importance of this issue, Sciencedebate 2008 has asked 14 questions to both of the candidates. Barack Obama has answered the questions. John McCain has said he will answer in near future. In the upcoming posts I will put Barack's view which are also relevant to developing countries like Nepal.

Question: Science and technology have been responsible for half of the growth of the American economy since WWII. But several recent reports question America’s continued leadership in these vital areas. What policies will you support to ensure that America remains the world leader in innovation?

  • Ensuring that the U.S. continues to lead the world in science and technology will be a central priority for my administration. Our talent for innovation is still the envy of the world, but we face unprecedented challenges that demand new approaches. For example, the U.S. annually imports $53 billion more in advanced technology products than we export. China is now the world’s number one high technology exporter. This competitive situation may only worsen over time because the number of U.S. students pursuing technical careers is declining. The U.S. ranks 17th among developed nations in the proportion of college students receiving degrees in science or engineering; we were in third place thirty years ago.

  • My administration will increase funding for basic research in physical and life sciences, mathematics, and engineering at a rate that would double basic research budgets over the next decade. We will increase research grants for early-career researchers to keep young scientists entering these fields. We will increase support for high-risk, high-payoff research portfolios at our science agencies. And we will invest in the breakthrough research we need to meet our energy challenges and to transform our defense programs.
  • A vigorous research and development program depends on encouraging talented people to enter science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and giving them the support they need to reach their potential. My administration will work to guarantee to students access to strong science curriculum at all grade levels so they graduate knowing how science works – using hands-on, IT-enhanced education. As president, I will launch a Service Scholarship program that pays undergraduate or graduate teaching education costs for those who commit to teaching in a high-need school, and I will prioritize math and science teachers. Additionally, my proposal to create Teacher Residency Academies will also add 30,000 new teachers to high-need schools – training thousands of science and math teachers. I will also expand access to higher education, work to draw more of these students into science and engineering, and increase National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate fellowships. My proposals for providing broadband Internet connections for all Americans across the country will help ensure that more students are able to bolster their STEM achievement.
  • Progress in science and technology must be backed with programs ensuring that U.S. businesses have strong incentives to convert advances quickly into new business opportunities and jobs. To do this, my administration will make the R&D tax credit permanent.


बरियताक्रमको अन्तिममा विज्ञान मन्त्रालय

उत्तम बाबु श्रेष्ठ
मलाई थाह छ, पेरिस हिल्टनका ग्लामरस पहिरन र उदण्ड गतिविधीले अमेरीकी समाजमा जति चर्चा र परिचर्चा वटुल्छन् त्यो भन्दा निकै कम मान्छेहरुले चिन्दछन् ३७ वर्षो उमेरमा नोवेल पुरस्कार पाउने डेभिड वाल्टीमोरलाई । कृपया जानकारीको लागि यहाँ भनिदिई हालौं एड्स रोगीहरुको लागि जीवन लम्वाउन वरदान सावित भएको औषधी एन्टीरोट्रो भाइरल डेभिड वाल्टीमोर र उनका साथीहरुको अनुसन्धानको फल हो । भुमण्डलीकरणको यस युगमा अमेरीकी समाजमा जस्तै एउटा झुण्ड काठमाडौंमा पनि जन्मिसकेछ जसले गत साता प्रधानमन्त्रीको

गलामा भिरेको टाई र शीरको टोपीदेखि मन्त्रीहरुका वरियताक्रमसम्मका निरर्थक वहसहरुमा देशलाई डोर्‍याउन खोजे । विडम्वना साथ भन्नु पर्दछ, सरकारका निती र कार्यक्रम, उसका प्राथमिकताका वहसले भन्दा हाम्रा संचार माध्यामहरु सानो-ठुलोको जुँगे झगडाका खबरहरुले भरिन्छन् आजकल ।

कुरो त यहाँ पनि वरियताको नै गर्न लागिएको हो । तर कुनै व्यक्ति विशेषको होइन, मन्त्रालयको वरियताको जसले सरकारको प्राथमिकता, निती, कार्यक्रम र वजेट विनियोजन कतातिर ढल्कदै गइरहेछ भन्ने छनक दिन खोज्दछ । हो सधै झै वातावरण, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधी मन्त्रालय पछाडिबाट गन्दा प्रथम वरियतामा परेछ नयाँ नेपालमा पनि । आफ्ना मातहतमा कुनै विभाग र जिल्लाहरुमा कार्यालयहरु नभएको, सिहंदरवारको दक्षिणपूर्बी कुनामा थन्किएको, शुभलाभका खेलहरु नहुने, यस ‘ग्लामर’ रहित मन्त्रालयमा मन्त्री हुनको लागि पुरानो नेपालमा राजीखुशी कोहि मनुष्य पनि तयार हुँदैन थिए । मन्त्रीको कोटा पुरा गर्नको लागि विज्ञान विषयमा रुची, लगन, दक्षता र क्षमता नभएकाहरु मन्त्रीको सुविधा पाउनको लागि भएपनि यस मन्त्रालयको सर्वोच्व कुर्सीमा वस्न करवलले राजी हुन्थ्ये त्यतिवेला । त्यसो त यस मन्त्रालय सम्हाल्ने मन्त्रीको काम भनेको गोडा एक दुई वर्षामा मुस्किलले एक चोटी हुने वैज्ञानिक सम्मेलन, सेमीनारको उद्घाटन गर्ने, वातावरण दिवस, जैविक विविधता, सिमसार दिवस जस्ता दिवसहरुमा शुभकामना मन्तव्य दिने र कहिलेकहि वृक्षारोपण र स्कुलका विज्ञान प्रदर्सनीमा जस्ता कार्यक्रमा सहभागी भई टोपल्ने वाहेक केहि थिएन भन्दा पनि हुन्छ । लेख लेख्नेक्रममा म विज्ञान मन्त्रालयको साइवार भ्रमणमा पुगेको थिए । देशको प्रविधी मन्त्रालयको साइट र त्यहाँ राखिएका सुचनाहरुले हाम्रो विज्ञान तथा प्रविधी क्षेत्रलाई व्यंय गरिरहेको छ ।

आम नेपालीलाई जस्तै विज्ञान क्षेत्रमा लाग्ने मानिसहरुलाई पनि लागेको थियो पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ प्रधानमन्त्री बनेपछि भने उक्त परम्परा पक्कै तोडिनेछ । आर्थिक क्रान्तिको नेतृत्व गर्छु भन्नेले आर्थिक विकासको मेरुदण्ड मानिएको विज्ञान तथा प्रविधीको क्षेत्रलाई पनि आफनो पार्टीको नेतृत्वमा लिएर त्यसमा जीवन भर्छन । किनकी उनले विज्ञान तथा प्रविधीको विकास नगरी देश विकास हुँदैन भनेर वारम्वार भन्ने गरेका थिए । त्यसो त प्रचण्डका उक्त भनाईहरु विज्ञान क्षेत्रकै सवैभन्दा अग्रिणी पत्रिका साइन्सको जुन १३, २००८ को अंकमा छापिएको थियो उहाँको फोटो सहित । नेपालको कुनै एक व्यक्तित्वको खवर साइन्समा आउनु आफैमा एउटा गर्वको विषय थियो । म संझन्छु, साइन्स पत्रिकामा लेखिएको नेपाल सम्वन्धी विवरणहरु देखेर हामीहरु निकै दंग भएका थियौं त्यतिखेर । विदेशमा वसेर यहाँ आर्जन गरेको ज्ञान, शिप, दक्षता र क्षमतालाई कसरी नेपालको विज्ञान र प्रविधी क्षेत्रको विकासमा लगाउने भनेर वहसहरु हुन थालेका थिए हामी बिच।

यसै व्लगमा त्यतिखेर लेखेका मेरा लेखहरुलाई प्रिन्ट गरेर त्रिविवीको किर्तिपुर क्याम्पसका सुचनापाटीहरुमा टाँसिएको कुरा कसैले मलाई इमेलमा लेखेको थियो । रोनाष्टका पुर्ब उपकुलपति दयानन्द वज्राचार्यले पनि हामीले गरेका अनलाईन वहसहरुबाट उत्साहित हुँदै साइन्सको उक्त खबर वारेमा कान्तिपुरमा लेख लेख्नु भएको थियो । समग्रमा भन्दा विज्ञान क्षेत्रमा लागेका मानिसहरु उक्त खबरले निकै आशावादी र उत्साहित थिए । तर नयाँ सरकारले पनि उपेक्षाको परम्परालाई निरन्तरता दिदै विज्ञान क्षेत्रलाई प्राथमिकताको पुछारमा राखेको छ । मेरो मतलव माओवादी कै विज्ञान मन्त्री बन्नुपर्छ भन्ने पनि होइन तर प्राथमिकतामा परेन भन्ने हो । निश्चित रुपमा सरकारको नेतृत्व गरेको दलले उक्त मन्त्रालय लिनुमा फरक अवश्य पनि हुन सक्दथ्यो विशेष गरि निती कार्यक्रम वनाउने र वजेट विनियोजन गर्ने सम्वन्धमा ।

माओवादीहरुले अवधारणापत्रमा विज्ञान र प्रविधी क्षेत्रको विकास र उनीहरुको शब्दको ‘प्रतिभा पलायन’लाई रोक्ने कुराहरु जोडदारले गरिएको छ । यसका नेता कार्यकर्ताहरु मौका परेमा प्रतिभा पलायनका लामै भाषण गर्नुहुन्छ । यसै सर्न्दर्भमा गएको हप्ता क्यानडामा रहनु भएकी मन्त्री हिसीला यमीसँग छोटो कन्फेरेन्स कल गर्ने मौका मिलेको थियो । फोनमा उनको मलाई पहिलो प्रश्न थियो नेपाल फर्कने की नफर्कने ? जरुर फर्कने पढ़ाईसकेपछि मेरो प्रतिउत्तर । नेपाल छाड्ने बेलामा ठुलो संख्यामा विदेश जान लागेका युवा जनशक्तिलाई एयरपोर्टमा देखेको दृश्यले उनलाई निकै नरमाइलो लागेको रहेछ । यसरी युवा र पढेलेखेका मानिसहरु विदेश लागेपछि कसरी देश विकास हुन्छ उनी भन्दै थिइन उनी ।

आजको युगमा विदेश जाने आउने भनेको भईरहन्छ भन्दै मेलै भारतको उदाहरण दिएको थिए । ५, ६ वर्षयता मात्रै अमेरीका विश्वविद्यालय दिक्षित भारतियहरु करीव ५०००० को संख्यामा फर्किएका छन् । काठमाडौंमा वेरोजगार भएको डाक्टरलाई हामी जिल्ला सदरमुकामको हस्पिटलसम्म पुयाउन सक्दैनौं तर विदेशमा संर्घषरत वैज्ञानिकहरुलाई फर्काउने कुरा गरिरहेका छौं । वैज्ञानिक शक्ति फर्काउन सबैभन्दा पहिले उनीहरुले आर्जन गरेको ज्ञान र क्षमतालाई प्रयोग गर्ने अवसर पनि दिनुपर्दछ । त्यसकारण वैज्ञानिक जनशक्तिलाई काम गर्ने वातावरण (प्रयोगशाला, पुस्तकालय जस्ता सामान्य सुविधा) मिलाउनुहोस् तपाईहरुले फर्कनुस नभने पनि धेरै यस क्षेत्रका मानिसहरु फर्कने छन् नेपाल । यहाँ पाएको भन्दा निकै कम तलव पाएपनि मेरो भनाई थियो । हामीहरु जसलाई तपाईहरुले ‘प्रतिभा पलायन’ भनेर भनिरहनु भएको छ । त्यो पलायन नभएर ज्ञान शिप आर्जन हो । अर्थात यो तपाईले मुदति खाताको राखेको पैसा हो । त्यसलाई तपाईहरुले झिक्न सक्नुहुन्छ, प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ तर निश्चित सर्त र समयमा मात्रै मेरो तर्क थियो । अन्त्यमा हामी दुवैले एउटै पुस्तक ‘द ओल्ड इज फ्ल्याट’को नाम लिंदै कुराकानी टुग्याएका थियौं । उहाँसगँको छोटो कुराकानीमा नै के लाग्यो भन्दा उनीहरुले जनताका समस्या बुझेका छन्, देखेका छन् । तर सवाल बुझ्नु भन्दा पनि वदल्नुको हो । कार्लमार्क्स यसै भन्छन् ।

त्यसो त विज्ञान र प्रविधीको विकास नभइकन देशको विकास संभव हुँदैन भन्ने कुरा ओलम्पिक खेलको समापन समारोहको दृष्य हेर्दा प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डले प्रत्यक्ष वुझे । प्रचण्डको ओलम्पिक अनुभवमा यस्तो थियो “कहिले र्स्वर्ग पृथ्वीमा आए जस्तो त कतिखेर पृथ्वी र्स्वर्गमा पुगे जस्तो भयो । चीनको प्रगती हेरेपछि विज्ञान प्रविधी नेतृत्व र जनताको अन्तरसम्वन्धमा भए जे पनि गर्न सकिने पाठ सिकेर आएको छु ।” उहाँले वुझ्नु भएको छ बिकासको लागी विज्ञान र प्रविधीको महत्व । त्यसो त विगतका सरकारहरुले पनि त्यो कुरा नवुझेको कहाँ हो र ? वुझिवुझि वुझ पचाएको मात्रै पो हो त । गणेशमान सिं भन्नु हुन्थ्यो “निदाएको मान्छे भन्दा निदाएको अभिनय गरेर सुतेको मान्छेलाई उठाउन गाह्रो हुन्छ ।” विज्ञान प्रविधीको विकासको मामिलामा माओवादीले पनि निदाएको अभिनय नगरोस् । मन्त्रालय वाँडफाटमा यस मन्त्रालयलाई गरिएको उपेक्षा सरकारको निती र कार्यक्रममा नदोहरीयोस्, चेतना भया ।