Look at this video I captured during our recent trip to Yellowstone NP, WY. This Old Faithful is the most predictable geographical feature on earth. Water erupts almost every 91 minutes. Last year we missed it. When reached this place, it had just erupted and we didn't have time to wait another one and half hour. This year we were lucky. We just had to wait ~15min. Details of this phenomenon can be found in wikipedia.
बाठो खरायो।
हिउ पग्लेर समर सुरु भए पछी जता ततै हरियो घास पलाएको छ। जसले सबै जसो प्राणीलाइ खुशी बना' हुनु पर्छ। त्यस मध्ये पनि सबैभन्दा बढी खरायो खुशी भा'को हो कि झैँ लाग्छ। साना बच्चा हेर्दा हेर्दै ठुला भैसके। बेलुका तिर बाहिर निस्किदा तिनीहरु आफ्नो सुरमा घास खान ब्यस्त हुन्छन। यता उता उफ्री रा हुन्छन। एकदम चटारो छ। समरको सुरुमै बच्चा जन्माइसके। यी जन्मेका बच्चा अब ठुला हदै छन्। र हिउद सुरु हुने बेला सम्म आफै जिबन बिताउन सक्षम हुनु पर्नेछ यिनलाई । हिउद भरि यी जन्तु देख्न गाह्रो हुन्छ। दुलो भित्र पस्छन। त्यो समय मा यिनीहरुको फिजिओलोजी कसरि चल्छ त्यो त मलाइ थाहा भएन। तर कुनै कुनै खरायोले हिउदको लागि खाने कुरा जम्मा गर्ने रैचन। तलको भिडियो हेर्नुस। यो खरायो हाम्रो झ्यालबाट ठ्याक्क बाहिर हेर्दा देखिन्छ।
रुखको फेद मुनि यसको घर जस्तो छ। अनि छेउकै घास काट्दै मुखमा बुजो पार्दै दुलोमा लगेर राख्दै फर्केर आउदै फेरी तेही काम गरेको गरेई छ। कि त हिउदको लागि जम्मा गरेको होला कि त वर्खर जन्मेको बच्चालाई खुवाउन होला।
"मेरो रिपोर्टमा" "मेरो अन्तरबार्ता"
मेरो रिपोर्ट ले यो साताको सुरु तिर मेरो अन्तरबार्ता छाप्यो "साताको ब्लगर" भन्ने स्तम्भमा। अघिल्लो हप्ता एउटा इमेल आयो प्रश्नहरुको लिस्ट सहित। पछी अरु थप 2 इमेल पनि आए थप प्रश्नहरु बोकेर। मनमा लागेको कुरो उत्तरमा
लेखिदिए। ब्लागिंग मेरो पेशा हैन। मैले किन लेख्छु भन्ने बारेमा एउटा पोस्ट नै टासेको थिए केहि समय पहिले। यो भन्दा अगाडी रेडियो नेपालको "प्रदेशमा मेरो देश" नामको कार्यक्रमको लागि बबिता खनालले अन्तर्वार्ता लिएर प्रसारित पनि भएको थियो। मैले आधा मात्रै सुने। नेपालतिर केहिले सुनेको जानकारी गराउनु भएको थियो। तर त्यसको प्रतिलिपि पाउने सकिन। यो पोस्टमा मेरो रिपोर्टमा प्रकाशित भैसकेको अजिता सिग्देल ले लिएको मेरो अन्तर्वार्ता जस्ताको तस्तै।
मौरीघाट, देउखुरी, दाङ घर भएका वसन्त गिरी हाल अध्ययनको सिलसिलामा अमेरिकाको वायोमिङमा बसोबास गर्दै आएका छन । उनी रसायनशास्त्रमा विद्यावारिधी गर्दै छन ।
आफ्नो परिवारमा बुबा, आमा, श्रीमती र दिदी, बहिनीसँग बस्दै आएका वसन्त विभिन्न ठाँउको भ्रमण गर्न रुचाउँछन । विगत केही बर्ष देखि फोटोग्राफीमा पनि चाख लागेको उनी बताउँछन ।
मनको बह पोख्ने माध्यमको रुपमा ब्लगिङ गर्न सुरु गरेका वसन्त समय, परिस्थिति हेरेर विभिन्न विषयवस्तुमा ब्लगिङ गर्ने गरेका छन । ब्लगिङ गर्न निकै रुचाउने वसन्तलाई हामीले यसपालीको साताको ब्लगरको रुपमा प्रस्तुत गरेका छौँ :
अब हामी ब्लगिङ कै कुरा गरौँ । कहिलेदेखि ब्लगिङ गर्न सुरु गर्नुभयो ?
मैले ब्लग सुरु गरेको करिब पाँच वर्ष हुन लाग्यो। सन २००७ को जुलाई महिनाको अन्त्य तिर पहिलो पोस्ट गरेको रहेछु।
तपाईंले ब्लगिङ नै किन रोज्नु भयो ?
मैले ब्लग सुरु गर्दाताका यसको निकै बाढी नै आएको थियो कि जस्तो लाग्छ मलाई । मेरो साथी नबिनले जानकारी गराएपछि म पनि ब्लगिङ संसारमा पसेको हुँ । सित्तैमा आफ्नो मनको कुरा, विचार अरुलाई बाँड्न पाउने भएपछि किन नगर्ने भनेर ब्लगिङ गर्न थालेँ । |
भरिया दाईको न "बिसाउने" भारि
भरिया दाईको "बिसाउने" भारि
सुनमाया बिसाउने चौतारी
यस्तो गीत छ नी यौटा फेमस। मेरो चाइ बिसाउने भन्दा नी नबिसाउने भनम जस्तो। अस्तिको हप्ता भरियाको काम गरियो। हाइकिङ ब्यक्प्यक भरि सामान् भर्यो अनि डांडा कांडा उकाली ओराली गर्यो। पांच दिन सम्म करिब पांच घन्टा प्रत्यक दिन्। उकालो चढेर फर्किदा सामान् पनि काम हुँदै जान्थ्यो। हुनत यस्तो काम हाम्रो देशका लाखौंको दैनिकी नै हो। तर पनि आफूले नगरेको काम गर्दा गार्है हुने। कति खैरे पनि देखिन्थे, तर उनिहरुको आफ्नै चाहना ले। यसरी हिंडेको धेरै बर्ष पछि थियो। एक पटक सानैमा प्युठान गएको थिए, दाङ को बाटो हुदै बुवा सङ। दाङ बाट अली पर सम्म बसमा त्यसपछि तीरामको ओरालो हिडेर र दहखोला सम्म हिंडेको छु। तर भारी बोक्न पारेको थेन। भारी नबोकी त अर्को पटक पनि भालुबाङको बाटो २ दिन हिडेर दहखोला पुगेको छू पचास सालको बर्खा मासमा। अनि ५५ हो की ५६ साल तीर दहहोला देखि नारिकोट सम्म रेकम र शिव अंकलहरू सँग हिंडेको छु। त्यसको मजा छुट्तै थियो। तर भारी बोकेर पनि नहिडेको त हैन। स्कुल पड्ने ताका घासका भारी खेत बाट होस् वा बन बाट होस् सकी नसकी बोकिन्थ्यो/ बोक्न पर्थ्यो। बन बात दाउराका भारी पनि कति बोकियो कति। तर त्यो एकादेशको कथा भैसकेको स्थिति हो।
सुनमाया बिसाउने चौतारी
यस्तो गीत छ नी यौटा फेमस। मेरो चाइ बिसाउने भन्दा नी नबिसाउने भनम जस्तो। अस्तिको हप्ता भरियाको काम गरियो। हाइकिङ ब्यक्प्यक भरि सामान् भर्यो अनि डांडा कांडा उकाली ओराली गर्यो। पांच दिन सम्म करिब पांच घन्टा प्रत्यक दिन्। उकालो चढेर फर्किदा सामान् पनि काम हुँदै जान्थ्यो। हुनत यस्तो काम हाम्रो देशका लाखौंको दैनिकी नै हो। तर पनि आफूले नगरेको काम गर्दा गार्है हुने। कति खैरे पनि देखिन्थे, तर उनिहरुको आफ्नै चाहना ले। यसरी हिंडेको धेरै बर्ष पछि थियो। एक पटक सानैमा प्युठान गएको थिए, दाङ को बाटो हुदै बुवा सङ। दाङ बाट अली पर सम्म बसमा त्यसपछि तीरामको ओरालो हिडेर र दहखोला सम्म हिंडेको छु। तर भारी बोक्न पारेको थेन। भारी नबोकी त अर्को पटक पनि भालुबाङको बाटो २ दिन हिडेर दहखोला पुगेको छू पचास सालको बर्खा मासमा। अनि ५५ हो की ५६ साल तीर दहहोला देखि नारिकोट सम्म रेकम र शिव अंकलहरू सँग हिंडेको छु। त्यसको मजा छुट्तै थियो। तर भारी बोकेर पनि नहिडेको त हैन। स्कुल पड्ने ताका घासका भारी खेत बाट होस् वा बन बाट होस् सकी नसकी बोकिन्थ्यो/ बोक्न पर्थ्यो। बन बात दाउराका भारी पनि कति बोकियो कति। तर त्यो एकादेशको कथा भैसकेको स्थिति हो।
एक्कासी अस्तिको हप्ता भारी बोकेर उकाली ओराली गर्दापो गार्हो भयो नि। सुरुका दिनहरू खासगरि। त्यसपछि भने बिस्तारै बानी पार्न थाल्या थ्यो, काम सक्क्यो र फर्कियो। उक्त भारी बोकाइको बिस्त्रित कथा यहा अङ्रेजी मा लेखेको छु, जागर लाग्यो भने पढ्नु होला। अहिले भने हाइकिङ गर्दाका फोटोहरु।
Hello from Grand Tetons NP
Its so beautiful looking sun set on the Tetons from the cabins on the side of Jackson lake. We just arrived here for a field trip and will be staying here for more ~10 days. There is some snow on the Teton tips. Weather is so nice. Warm enough. Sunny. Green every where.
I will try to write everyday activities here in this post. Please follow this post.
Day1 (06/01/12): Laramie to Jackson Lake
Bear |
Okay, this much for now. We have to prepare for tomorrow’s trip to the death canyons. Good night.
Very limited access to internet. Will upload more photos and videos in coming days.
Day2 (06/02/12)-From Death Canyon
Prof Dillon with his PhD student Susma in their study site |
And, while driving back to the research center, we saw two bears on the road side. It is amazing to see a single bear can attract so many people. We also saw two moose on the hiking trail. One female moose with its baby was there on the road side. We saw this moose while going to our field on the morning ~8am, and it was still there while we were coming back ~5pm.
At the research center, one deer was just out side of the library where I have access to the internet was just hanging out. It posed for photographs. And, here it is.
Day3 (06/03/12)-Hiking at Paint Brush Canyon
This deer is around our residence at NPS-UW research center. |
Today we went for a hiking on Paint Brush Canyon. Parked our car on the parking lot near String Lake. Today's hike was about 5 hrs in total. We were not able to go farther (above ~8000 ft) because of same snow. Set up cups for bee collection at two different elevations. We hiked around Jenny Lake also. Hiking around Jenny Lake was a nice one. Part of the hiking trail was blocked by avalanche (not big one though). We saw a male moose while descending down from the second cup setting site. He was just staring at us. On the way to our research station, we saw at couple of points on the side of road that one bear (I think it is the same bear we have been seeing past three days at this location) and one moose. So many people just pointing their binoculars and cameras. We arrived on the research center ~3pm (early compared to yesterday), had some rest and had dinner at Prof Dillon's cabin. Went to Jackson Lake beach (:)) played a while.
Moose near lower Paint Brush Canyon camping site area |
Day5 (06/05/12)-Paint Brush Canyon 2nd time
You may be curious where is day4? No day4 hiking for me. I didn't go for hiking because I had nothing to do in the field. Prof Dillon and Susma went to Death canyon site and I just stayed in the research center and worked on my own stuffs. Day 5 was just a repetition of what we did in day 3. We were just Susma and myself hiking upto lower paint brush canyon camping site where Susma has the 2nd site in paint brush canyon location. Beyond this point, snow is on the hiking trail and no chance of catching bees. While going up in the very morning we were the first on the trail but while coming back we saw couple of more people. In the early morning, it was kinda scary to be the first on the trail. We were talking, whistling, singing songs all the time to make bears go away from our way. I took some pictures from this hiking. Specially the shadows of Tetons and String lake. They came out to be really good. Some pictures from today's hiking......Susma is processing the ''bees'' at ''lower paint brush canyon site'' |
Tetons on String Lake |
Again Susma and I started the hiking early morning ~8am. Nobody on the trail other than us. Made noise to get away from Bears. Saw no animals during the entire 5 hrs hiking except marmots. It was really a cold morning. There were signs of light snowfall in the night. Water on the surface of cups were frozen. The creek coming down from the canyon to the Phelps Lake was making big noise. Took some pictures of the whole landscape, focusing on the same creek and the Phelps Lake. After returning to the research center, we decided to go and see Old Faithful geyser in Yellostone NP. We had missed the eruption of water last year. But this time we were lucky enough to see it and didn't have to wait for long time. Here are some pictures captured today.
Susma processing ''bees'' at Death Canyon site#2 |
Phelps Lake |
This is me at Old Faithful Geyser |
Day 7 (06/07/12)-Paint Brush Canyon and back to Laramie
Our initial plan was to return to Laramie on 8th. But we decided to return on today. We just had to go for a 5 hr hiking on pain brush canyon and this hiking was the usual one. NOT much different. Even I didn't carry my camera and finished in 3 and half hour and we were excited to return home. We started our hike ~7:30 in the morning and back to the parking place ~11:00am. And, to Laramie ~6:00pm. Happy to be at home. We completed our mission aimed for this trip. Susma has brought ~100's of bees. I am excited to see her results after she performs lab work. She will go to the same field sites three more times this year.
As a PhD student in Chemistry, I may not have detailed information about UW-NPS research center can offer for you. From my experience from this trip, I can say that it provides an unique opportunity for researchers interested on biodiversity, ecology, climate change research in broad. It provides some laboratory facility along with fantastic housing for researchers. Also, I believe it provides some financial help. You may want to select this area for your field research.
As a PhD student in Chemistry, I may not have detailed information about UW-NPS research center can offer for you. From my experience from this trip, I can say that it provides an unique opportunity for researchers interested on biodiversity, ecology, climate change research in broad. It provides some laboratory facility along with fantastic housing for researchers. Also, I believe it provides some financial help. You may want to select this area for your field research.
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