
2008: Personally

We are ready to good bye the year of 2008 and ready to welcome the new year of 2009. There are lots of things that can happen in one year. Many changes occurred in the world-political, in science and technology etc. My country Nepal has gone tremendous change in recent years. Something important might have happened in your personal life as well which might have guided you in some (new) direction.

In my personal life, there is not more that I have achieved or that something which changed the direction of my life or like that but obviously there is something I have gained/done in the year of 2008.

In my study: I completed all my course works, passed cumulative exam which is one of steps in the way to get my PhD degree in Chemistry, got excellent teaching assistant award from the chemistry department of Oregon State University, completed some small research projects and materialized my PhD research theme.

I think it is a right time to review what you have done in last year, what you have to correct, and make plan for new year. For some people its just one more year in your life/age, you became one year old but for some people you are one year more close to go to heaven. :)

I went to Nepal in the summer of 2008, met all my family members and relatives. That was kind of some achievement in the sense that going to homeland for a graduate student in the US is not easy. Nepal trip was great. You can visit some of the posts related to my Nepal trip by clicking the links below.

Share with us, how was your 2008.

My Journey Begins Today

Its 1:30 pm in Hong Kong now

Kirtipur as seen from my Camera

Kathmandu Streets on Jun/July 2008


Snow Fall in Corvallis

Corvallis has witnessed a week long snow fall so far this year. This doesn't typically happen in Corvallis. I remember last year and the year before last year. The snow didn't last for more than 24 hours. Normally Corvallis gets rain during entire winter rather than sun and snow. But this year less rain, more snow, low temperature.

This year it started late last Sunday and it is white all the days of the week and going to be like this at least next half week.

I took this picture while going to School this morning. It looks very beautiful, everywhere white and today it was sunny. I liked it. But this situation for long time doesn't make life easy. It drastically reduced the traffic on the road and then people. Homeless people had difficult time.

If you want to see more snow pictures from my camera and have facebook profile, visit the link below. I have uploaded some pictures on my facebook album.



Temporal trend of Supervisor's behavior with PhD Student

There are lots of talks about graduate school and advisers. Some of them are funny but true. Have a look at following animated pictures and don't forget to leave comment.

At the time of joining,
Be good, you will be fine......

After a year
Must Work Hard boy

After three year
Must Work very hard you know!

After four year
Can you hear me, you must work hard!!!

I would like to thank him/her for this work. (This is not my work. I got it in email and just wanted to share it.)


PhD Student Resolution

Before joining PhD:
  • I want to win the Nobel Prize.
First year of PhD:d
  • I want to finish PhD in two years.
  • I want to publish papers only in top journals like Science and Nature.
  • I want to make ground-breaking research.
  • I want to win the best PhD Thesis award.


बुशले झन्डै "जुत्ता" खांदा

आफ्नो आठ बर्षे कार्यकालको अन्तिम समयमा इराक पुगेका आमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जर्ज बुशले झन्डै जुत्ता खाए। हान्नेले ताकेरै हानेको हो तर उनले छलिदिए। यौटा मात्रै होइन दुइ-दुइ जुत्ता। उसले पहिलो जुत्ता खुट्टा बाट निकालेर बुशलाई हान्यो। इराकी प्रधानमन्त्री सङै पत्रकारलाई सम्बोदन शुरु गरेका बुश आफ्नो टाउकोलाई बाया तिर ढल्काएर जुत्ता छल्न सफल भए। आक्रमणकारीले उसको खुट्टामा लगाई राखेको अर्को जुत्ता पनि निकाल्यो र बुशमाथि प्रहार गरिहाल्यो। यसपाली बुशले सजिलै सङै छले र कुनै पनि जुत्ताले उनलाई लागेन। "तलाई कुकुर् लौ खा तेरो बिदाई चुम्बन" भन्दै बुशलाई जुत्ता हिर्काउने अल-बगदादिया टेलिभिजनको लागि काम गर्ने मुन्तादर अल्-जीदी थियो। मुन्तादरलाई तत्काल सुरक्षाकर्मीले नियन्त्रणमा लिए। बुशलाई कस्तो लाग्यो होला? बुशले ठट्टा गर्दै तत्कालै भने-"यो त दश नम्बरको जुत्ता रैछ।" आक्रमणकारी पत्रकारको उक्त कदमलाई बुशले प्रजातन्त्र र स्वतन्त्र अभिब्यक्तिको उदाहरण हो भन्दिए। मुन्तादरलाई इङीत गर्दै बुशले भने "कसैकसैले चर्चामा अौनलाई यस्तै गर्छन।" के कुरो यतिमत्रै हो त?

यो घट्नाले बुश र उनको अमेरिकी प्रशासन कति अन्-पपुलर छ भन्ने देखाउछ। साथै मानिसहरु उनलाई कति घ्रिणा गर्छन भन्ने प्रमाण पनि हो। बुशले बिना कारण इराकी युध्ध सुरु गरे जसले लाखौ इराकीहरुले किरा फटेङ्रा सरह जिबन गुमाउन पुगे। अनि मुसलमालहरुले उनिहरुको धर्म माथीको आक्रमण सम्झेरपनि घ्रिणा गर्छन। बुशलाई यो घट्नाले आफ्नो अनुहार ऐनामा हेर्न बाध्य पार्ला कि नपार्ला त्यो त केहि भन्न सकिन्न। उक्त पत्रकार कुनै अरु आतकंकारी सङठनसङ जोडिएको छ कि छैन खुलेको त छैन। अथवा उसको यो सुनियोजित योजना थियो वा उसले आबेशमा आएर जुत्ता हान्यो त्यो पनि बिस्तारै थाहा हुदै जाला। तर मेरो बिचारमा यस घटनामा अलिकति सुरक्षा कमजोरि पनि पक्कै छ। किन भने क-कसलाई उक्त पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा सामेल गर्ने भन्ने निर्णय गर्न सुरक्षा निकय चुकेको छ। अमेरिकी रास्ट्रपतिलाई जुत्ता हान्न सक्ने सम्भाबित मान्छे पहिचान गर्न नसक्नु र सिमित पत्रकार उपस्थित कार्यक्रममा जान दिनु। तर त्यो भन्दा पनि महत्वपुर्ण अमेरिकि निति नै हो।

उक्त अपमानित हुने बेइजेत र दुर्ब्यहारले अमेरिकि नागरिकहरुलाई कस्तो लाग्यो होला? आफ्नो रास्ट्रपतिलाई कसैले जुत्ताले हानेको हेर्दा? पुर्बीय सभ्यतामा जुत्ताले हान्नुलाई राम्रो मानिन्न। उता अरबि सभ्यतामा त झन घोर अपमान जनाउछ। सद्धाम हुसेनको सालीक ढालेपछि इराकीहरुले उक्त सालीकलाई जुत्ता चप्पलले हिर्काएका थिए। हुनत अमेरिका पनि बुश र उनको निति निकै अन्-पपुलर छ। जसको कारणले उनको पार्टीको मेक्केनले रास्ट्रपति निर्वाचनमा हारे। जुत्ता काण्डको भिडीयो हेरिसकेपछि मैले मेरो ल्याबमा पोस्ट डक्टोरेट गरिरहेका अमेरिकनलाई सोधे-कस्तो अनुभव गर्छौ? उ सङ कुनै उत्तर थियन। केहि भन्न चाहेन। हुनत उ डेमोक्रेट हो तर पनि उसको मन दुखेको हुनुपर्छ। आशा गरौ नयां अमेरिकी नितिले यस्तो ब्यहोर्न नपरोस।

जुत्ता काण्डको भिडियो हेर्नुस।


PPP dis-approved Science to Society

After more than half a year of the approval, payperpost (ppp) disapproves this blog. Blogs popularity has not been gone bad during this time. I don't claim that its popularity has increased either. So, question is why did they approve and why they dis-approved now? According to the email they sent, they say

"you may have heard that we're enforcing stricter controls for blogs submitted to the PayPerPost network".

That means its bot because of the blog, its because of the policy change of ppp. Is it the effect of economic recession? well, may be.

Pay per post provides you oppurtunities to write reviews as your blog post and this is payed. Although I didn't get large number of oppurtunities, some blogs earned lot of money, according to ppp website.


Highest unemployment in US

Recent data published by US department of Labor shows the real image of the global economic recession. This time, the economy started to walk down from the US and its spreading worldwide. One significant indicator of this economic hard time is shown by job cuts. Major industries, companies are laying off thousands of employs. Those who lost their job are having very hard time. I have seen people who were selling their house, each and every item in the house in garage sell.

The un-employment rate of the US in November is 6.7%. The second highest un-employment rate in last 10 years was 6.3% in 2003. The employment rate was about 3.8% in 2000 and second highest 4.4% in 2006.

This bad time started last year. According to The National Bureau of Economic Research ,the US entered a recession in December 2007. The up-slope movement will increase in next month as large number of big companies have announced huge job cuts in near future.

This recession is not localized in single place. Global economy is interconnected and inter-dependent. Government around the globe are trying to save the economy. We have wait and see how worst this will be and will affect us.

Nepal's economy is not as integrated to the global economy as other countries. This may save Nepal from this global economic downfall but I think it can not stay away as claimed by minister Dr Bhattarai.