When I started school, I didn't know the exact benefit of going school, doing homework and taking exams. Parents and relatives used to say "go school, study good then you will become a BIG man". But after reaching to higher grades, I knew the importance of education and how education can change the life of people and society. I was able to go to school because my father knew the importance of education and he helped financially as well. I always used to thing about other ones who could not afford tuition of the school, even though it was minimal amount. I haven't helped noticeably anyone for his/her education. May be I am still not in that position. There is one great guy named John Wood, who is helping thousands of kids.
He is the exceptional person who left Microsoft's Director of Business Development position to help children education in the developing world. His life story itself is inspiring. His interest to help underprivileged children is invaluable. I just finished his first book "Leaving Microsoft to change the world" during my summer vacation. Its a very good book to read. This book is also available in Nepali. The main story (non-fictional though) of the book starts with John's visit to Nepal, a mountainous country for his vacation from hectic work at Microsoft. There, he meets a school teacher and gets a chance to see one of the schools of the area. His real eye to developing world opens, decides to help them by just sending books which he plans to collect in the US. Ultimately he resigns from his job and starts full time job to help establishing library, schools in Nepal. Book is easy going, in paragraphs it is sentimental. My eyes dropped tear while reading these paragraphs. It reminded me backwardness of my country. My government doesn't care and someone else from entirely different world with big heart is trying to help them. Room to read is the organization he runs, collects money and invests in developing countries like Nepal, Srilanka, Cambodia, Vietnam etc
There are very few people who don't work for their benefit. We don't expect everyone to sacrifice rising job at Microsoft and start entirely new career like John. But we can add our input to help child education. I know there are thousands of people who are helping on personal way not like a campaign or in large scale. I am also thinking how to help them. One way could be the small amount of money earned by adsense in this blog. This is very small amount. I am not sure how much I will earn per year through this. I plan to send this money (no matter how much it will be) to Nepal to help a kids education. Lets wait how much I can help. One thing is I want to help children in my village. I will write about the school in my village in upcoming posts. You should also help to irradicate iliteracy in your own way.
World change starts with educated children.
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